Kotler and Armstrong (2010) argued that the marketing environment is composed of a micro and a macro-environment as companies need to understand their marketing environment and the factors that can affect their business. According to Groucutt (2005) a marketing audit is the examination of the entire marketing efforts of an organisation from planning to implementation, which include SWOT and PESTEL analysis (Hill 1994, Baker 2007).
Will be the first to operate a link towards these islands with an amphibian plane. (distance 1.30 minutes) (Distance towards the islands makes the journey by boat long and uncomfortable. (24 hours +)
Can market abroad as well as within the island towards all the hotels.
Unique environment for fly fishing in the world.
Local pilots lower salaries compared to Europe.
Price of amphibious plane. ($ 525,000/Plane)
First to open, therefore open to criticism on impact to the environment.
Government opening the outer islands for commercial development.
Government helping to finance new SME businesses.
Very few sailing boats provide the link for customers.
No restriction on numbers of visitors yet.
Open to competition to bigger local chain of hotels.
Price of diesel.
Restriction from Government on numbers of people visiting these islands due to pollution.
Terrorist threat.